In Piranha Tags #release-info #development Published 5/8/2024 1 comment
Big thanks to @aatmmr, @brianpopow and @tedvanderveen for their contributions and all of the people who has helped with translating the manager.
* No se mostrará tu correo electrónico, ni se usará para enviar correos no deseados. Solo se usará para renderizar to foto de perfil de Gravatar y para validar que eres una persona real.
Awesome to see that the project is up and running! Now maybe it's time to start customizing it to your needs. You can find a lot of information in the official docs.
Håkan Edling - Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Awesome to see that the project is up and running! Now maybe it's time to start customizing it to your needs. You can find a lot of information in the official docs.